predetermined thickness should be placed prior to placing the RHMA surface course. E. Surface Course - The upper portion of the pavement structure consisting of a mixture of mineral aggregates and bituminous material or Portland cement concrete.
Functional design Surfacing layer (wearing course) that provides a safe, smooth, workable and dust free “pavement” surface RHMA layer should only be placed over a HMA or concrete surface course and not on an aggregate base. Table 10.5 shows the thickness of pavement course and the appropriate Superpave mixture size for both scratch and leveling types of pavement courses. If 93% of solid is specified, or a maximum of 7% air voids are allowed in the compacted mat, then the minimum target value would be 145.1 PCF (0.93 X 156.0). The effective binder film thickness shall be a minimum of 0.3 ± 0.03 mils (10 1 μm). (b) Inadequate wearing course: If the wearing course is of inadequate thickness or if it is totally absent, the sub-base or base courses are exposed to the damaging effects of the climatic agencies and the traffic. allow both 9.5-mm and 12.5-mm NMAS HMA in surface courses, 12.5-mm and 19-mm NMAS HMA in intermediate courses and base courses, and 9.5-mm NMAS HMA in leveling courses. After AASHTO (1986). The minimum thickness of a binder course is 3 inches when placed on top of a non-stabilized base and 2 inches when placed on top of … Each coat on the vertical surface should be applied to give a minimum dry film thickness of 20 mils.

11 . 5.17 Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt Binder Dense-Graded Courses New . ... – Measuring the Thickness of Asphalt Concrete Courses .
if the wearing course is to consist of a thin bituminous surface treatment, the total thickness of flexible pavement (base course and wearing surface) required, would be 21 inches.

The Contractor shall furnish materials to the project meeting the following requirements prior to mixing. The asphalt work method statement defines the responsibilities, execution procedure, quality aspect, safety factors, and mandatory documents for the activity. Commercial –. Usually constructed of material in which bitumen is used as binder materials. followed immediately with an ultra-thin hot mix asphalt wearing course. Minimum thickness should be devel- oped for all this equipment. Also referred as the ‘sheeting layer’; it is maintained with patrol grading and replenished after some years as its thickness is reduced and/or when a large amount of fine material has been lost as dust. The wearing course should be at least 20-25mm thick when rolled, and should not deviate from the correct level by more than ± 6mm. There should be no roller marks in the finished surface. We recommend a minimum fall of 1:80 for tarmac areas, although a fall in the range 1:40-1:60 is preferred. An 8½ inch thick deck may be used with solid stainless steel and stainless steel clad reinforcement. Asphalt Thickness: Residential –. A nonstructural wearing course may be placed on top lift. BSTs can provide all of the following: A waterproof layer to protect the underlying pavement. All carriageway and foothpath surfaces shall have non-skid characteristics. Because of maximum thickness requirements, if a thicker surface layer or overlay is called for, then a HMA layer of a predetermined thickness should be placed prior to placing the RHMA surface course. Bituminous surfacing: The surfacing consists of a wearing course or a binder course plus a wearing course. The finished wearing course shall have a minimum thickness of 12.5 mm for Type A and 16 mm for Type B and Type C. MATERIALS. After safety, continuous and efÞcient operations become a factor. The No. The wearing course is the upper layer in roadway, airfield, ... What is the minimum thickness of asphalt? The wearing course is actually composed of two layers, a 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" surface layer and a 3" bonding layer. Thickness Design - Major Gravel Roads - AADT 25 – 300) The required gravel thickness, D, shall be determined as follows: 1.Determine the minimum subbase gravel thickness necessary to avoid excessive compressive strain in the subgrade (D 1). Minimum thickness: 35mm REG4 907 HRA 50/20 bin 40/60 rec PD6691 Annex C Table C.1 Course Aggregate: crushed rock, crushed gravel, blast furnace slag and steel slag only. That has a big impact on the weight. In general, its thickness is about 50 to 100 mm. If economy is not a problem, binder course and surface course can be constructed monotonically using good quality materials with 100 to 150 mm thickness. The function of binder course is to transfer the loads coming from surface course to the base course. greater as measured by the International Ride Index (IRI), a minimum 0.25 foot consisting of 0.10 foot HMA (leveling course) followed by a minimum of 0.15 foot HMA or RHMA surface course layer. at the outer edges and maximum thickness of 100 mm. One inch of well-designed asphaltic concrete is equivalent in strength to at least 1.5 inches of granular base. The wearing course may be opened to traffic when it has hardened to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

(Design catalogue) 2.Determine the extra wearing course (WC) thickness (D 2) needed to The requirements of Section 401- Plant Mix Pavements - General for shall apply except as noted herein. It is a fine mix that can be placed in lifts as thin as 1/2". If there is a sub-base course, the base course is constructed directly above this layer. 4.75 MM Superpave This mix is designed primarily for thin lift leveling or correcting minor deviations.


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