The third chapter is going to examine the semantic theory of 'entailment' and its main ideas. But we recast their proposal, in order to account for the case of weak DDs, and to introduce the difference between types and tokens. Presupposition triggers play a vital role in verbal communication. In this framework, the notion of felicity is left unanalyzed, relying upon speakers' abilities to provide felicity judgments. 9.1 Presupposition triggers. Obligatory presupposition trigger effects trigger both and the otherwise identical sequence involving all. Both positive and negative forms are presented, showing that the presuppositions are constant under negation: Definite descriptions. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . In the literature, these are often referred to as presupposition triggers.Such expressions can be lexical items, as in the case of "stop" in (1), or more complex constructions, such as the cleft sentence (2). This study aims at finding out the types of presupposition triggers inside the speech of Donald Trump's presidential campaign speech and also looking for potential presuppositions derived from their trigger inside the speech. E-mail: Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2013 Presupposition Triggers (in Chinese) 1. Likewise the mechanisms by which presupposition triggers lead to requirements on context are left largely unexplored (as most attention has been focused on the study of presupposition projection). Besides a traditional taxonomy of presupposition triggers, there are now new attempts to better explain the mechanisms underlying the understanding of different categories of triggers and to provide a new classification. 1.2.3 Examples of presupposition triggers Presuppositions are contributed by lexical items, so-called presupposition triggers. DISCOVERING PRESUPPOSITION TRIGGERS: FIGURING OUT WHAT EVERYBODY ALREADY KNEW Rachel Dudley, Doctor of Philosophy, 2017 Dissertation directed by: Professor Valentine Hacquard Department of Linguistics Professor Je rey Lidz Department of Linguistics This dissertation focuses on when and how children learn about the meanings of the
Presupposition triggers play a vital role in verbal communication. These texts have been sampled from six different national and regional English newspapers representing a range of political and regional differences. Presupposition Triggers Another characteristic feature of presuppositions is that they are tied to the presence of certain words or syntactic configurations, so-called "presupposition triggers".
(This rule for 'if-then', by the way, doesn't seem to fit very well with the view, mentioned First, the information that constitutes the main message of the utterance, often referred to as the AT-ISSUE or asserted content. 21 (2) 2010 An Analysis of Presupposition Triggers in English Journalistic Texts Layth Muthana Khaleel* Abstract The notion of presupposition and its triggers have been studied by many scholars, linguists and philosophers, but as far as the researcher knows, the investigation of presupposition triggers in journalistic texts has not been explored yet.
Presupposition triggers varyalonganotherdimension: whether they entail their presuppositions.
The central hypothesis is that Focus-sensitive triggers require a linguistic antecedent in the discourse model, whereas presuppositions of triggers lacking Focus-sensitivity are satisfied as entailments of the Common Ground. Likewise the mechanisms by which presupposition triggers lead to requirements on The following example is an assertion that can be realized in v arious forms: What is the definition of presupposition? • Change-of-state verbs: The ice melted. The presupposition trigger is a linguistic construction or lexical item that stands to be responsible for presupposition in a given content, hence, a trigger to it. Therefore, (1a) is a . • FacBve verbs: I regret [know, realize, etc.]
2.2 Presupposition triggers Definite descriptions: John saw the man with two heads. Zeevat, 1992) are coherent, or whether it is more appropriate to situate presuppositions on a Dr, Murlidhar Adettiwar, PhD.
Abstract Presupposition triggers can be divided in two groups on the basis of whether the presuppositions they give rise to are easily defeasible or not.Abusch (2002) calls these two groups "soft" and "hard" triggers. mutually manifest between him and the address ee. A presupposition: Is a background belief, mutually assumed by the speaker and the addressee for the utterance to be considered appropriate in . Having defined presupposition of a question more precisely, we then examine Yes-No questions, Wh-questions, and exclusive-or questions with respect to several kinds of presupposition triggers. Soft triggers could be analyzed using semantic presupposition and local accommodation, but that isn't the right analysis, because we need to distinguish hard triggers from soft triggers.5 Stalnaker (1974) advocates this hypothesis, or suggests investigating it, except that he leaves it open whether there are semantic presupposition triggers. A presupposition is something that you assume to be true, especially something that you must . presupposition triggers, and that one of the central symptoms of presupposition is that it leads to projection.
Presupposition cancellation under negation, at least when reinforced by explicit denial of the content of the presupposition, is not particularly sensitive to the iden tity of the presupposition trigger: the content of any presupposition can be denied this way. A FEW PRESUPPOSITION TRIGGERS • Definite NPs: Did you see the broken headlight? the presupposition of tooand it seems rather arti cial to assume a hidden pronoun in the presupposition of indeed. 1 In this paper I will investigate to what extent, if at all, adpositions are involved in creating presupositions. In retrospect it is strange that the early writings about presupposition by linguists Finally, a third central topic is the so called 'presupposition projection problem', namely, the problem of how . The Available online: research also attempts to analyze the function in the use of presupposition in conversation. A presupposition trigger is a lexical item or linguistic construction which is responsible for the presupposition. Adpositions are not among the best-known or most discussed presupposition triggers, and there does not seem to be much research specifically on adpositions and presupposition. 3.1Presuppositions and presupposition triggers • The possessive phrases (a presupposition trigger) trigger an existential inference that "John has a daughter" (a presupposition). If this is true, then this has the potential to con-found experimental tests of presupposition violation.
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